Alternative-pop singer-songwriter, and multi-media artist, Magdalucca is enjoying a creative rebirth fluidly expressing her unique visions of music, visual art, and film. Her debut EP, The Air Between, offers enlightening and emboldening social commentary, personal revelation, and wisdom gleaned from tenets of Buddhism.
The Air Between melds sensually emotive vocals and lyrics with an imaginative and cohesive combination of stringed instruments and classical music motifs with rugged electronic beats and fresh synthetic textures. Magdalucca’s aesthetic conjures the moody beauty of Björk, Portishead, and with the addition of her conceptual creations, Laurie Anderson comes to mind.
Magdalucca’s visual art favors a more abstract approach to her messaging. A cross-section of marquee works include the thought-provoking Talking dress, a bubble wrap dress fitted with tiny speakers that communicate “space is information” using Morse code, and the short film Lavender braid which has been screened at several international film festivals.
Magdalena was born and raised in Poland but came to the States in 2004. At a young age, she decided not to pursue art being concerned with making a living and not wanting to sully her purist ideals with commercial creative considerations. Her current partner—well-known American artist Gary Hill—encouraged her to follow her dreams; release her bluebird as it were.
Today, Magdalucca creates across many mediums with unique emotive force and fierce vulnerability.
© Magdalucca Music